This blog is devoted to the expression of my opinions on a variety of subjects, often political.

Monday, October 8, 2012

William F. Torpey Profile

The Golden Years

I was born in 1935 in Yonkers, New York, so my favorite vocalists, of course, reflect that era. But, on top of that, my father, Joe Torpey, played piano all his life. As a boy my father's friends often visited our home where the air was always filled with music. Family and friends sang "That Old Gang of Mine" and all the old favorites of the 1920s, '30s and '40s while my father's fingers slide up and down the piano keyboard. He was very talented. It was the Golden Age of Hollywood -- and of radio.
My favorite singers, and many of my favorite songs, grew from this musical background, although I, personally, never became a musician. Throughout my life, however, anyone within earshot could hear me singing my favorite tunes day and night -- most frequently the songs of my all-time favorite singer, Bing Crosby, who was also the favorite of millions. But here you will find a number of my other favorites.
It is my hope that those who are unfamiliar with these singers will take a few moments to "give a listen." I think you'll find these singers worth listening to -- again and again!
Your Grampas Favorite Songs, Singers

Corporate Cash May Steal Election Day Prize

Corporate cash – lots of it – is putting fear in the hearts of many Democratic candidates.

Those Democrats who would ordinarily fend off outlandish, misleading, scandalish attacks by weak opponents seem to be hiding behind the barricades as the opening guns begin to roar.


Money. Corporate money!

Think Citizens United v. FEC.

Now that corporations can – and already are – giving unlimited, unaccountable money to Republican, right wing candidates (and those carrying their Tea Party banners) many Democrats are frozen with fear of the tsunami of misleading ads that are -- and will be -- heading their way.

The combination of overwhelming financial backing by the corporate giants, made possible by the unwise and injudicious misstep by the five conservative members of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the right wing knack for witty, denigrating and misleading political 30-second TV ads, has the Democratic candidates and leadership in a pique. reports on 33 organizations -- called super PACS -- who have registered with the Federal Election Commission their intention to raise unlimited sums for independent expenditures for either the left or the right. You can bet the corporation contributions will smother similar contributions from unions and others with smaller bankrolls.

I understand why Democrats are working hard to gather small contributions in support of Democratic candidates, nevertheless I don't like to see the poor and middle class who are struggling in this economy giving their hard-earned dollars to any politician. The millionaires and billionaires can give large sums -- and they do -- to their right wing candidates without a trace of hardship.

The goal of any clear thinking American must be to get the big money out of political campaigns. It can be done. It must be done.